Friday, January 7, 2011

Tish's Oopps and My First Resins

Hey all, if you haven't already checked out her blog, Tish is doing a fun little guessing contest and you could win a pair of earrings that she will whip up just for you! Also after reading Lorelei's post earlier this week, I had to finally try out my Ice Resin. Because I've only had it for about a year now. She mentioned it does dry up, so I figured I needed to JUST DO IT already. Sheesh. And this is the result of my very first attempt.
This stuff is very very cool. It has a consistency that really is unique and although you'd think it would be more "out of control", it actually is very workable. I also had to pour out half of what I mixed up. I didn't feel like I had bubble issues. And I did play with a little additive (diamond dust). I also poured a bit into a mold I had made with two-part putty and it came out really well, it was just to light to photograph. Definitely pull it down off of your intention shelf if you haven't used it yet. If you don't have any, you might want to consider getting some. Oh and the little copper bezels came from Earthly Adornments.


  1. OOHH!!! I just ordered some Ice, I can't wait to play with it! Good to see you back :)

  2. They turned out so pretty!! Glad you finally used it! I feel like doing more, maybe this weekend!

  3. Great results with the resin! Can't wait to see what you do with them :)

  4. Thanks for the tip...I've never used the product but just might give it a try after seeing what you done with it!!! Great work!!!

