Look what Sue sent me! I KNOW!!!! Last week she had a fun little guessing game posted on her blog. She put little snippets up of a lovely visit she had in the Cayman Islands and had her readers guess where they were from. I love little challenges like that! And I really love the prizes!! Beautiful lampwork beads in those fabulous island colors! I love the white sugar beads, don't they look just like a pina colada slushie? Yum. And the enameled beads! The mauvy tubes look just like the subtle pearling inside a sea shell. And the bead caps are such an awesome size. But look at this little lampworked button bead! How fun is this sweet baby?!?! Thank you Sue. I am going to have lots and lots of fun! You can check out her shop Sue Beads here and pick up a few treasures of your own. I highly recommend it. There is always something new and exciting. (I really don't think Sue sleeps.) She does some really wonderful enameled head pins too:)