Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I stopped in Michael's the other day and a lady came down the bead isle where I was contemplating seed bead colors. "Aren't the beads so beautiful?" she said. I agreed. She continued, "Angels bring beads. They love beads. Where you have beads, the angels are there." I remarked that I had better pick my piles up then so that I can see which beads are gifts from the angels. "If you draw a star in your journal at the beginning and at the end of your entry, that will bring the angels too." I told her thank you that was good to know. It might be my pile(s) of beads. It might be that I actually began and ended my journal entry with stars, but I did get "the call" today. Keep your fingers crossed everyone because tomorrow Mr. Pearl and Pebble and I are going to meet our daughter and her birth mother. I might be quiet for a few days so be patient with me. And if you think of it, say a little prayer for us too.


  1. *I am praying for you.*

    Enjoy the day!

  2. Oh, I hardly know what to say. But I do know what to feel. There are stars at the beginning and the end of my thoughts. Blessings, sweet family waiting for the baby.

  3. Blessings - may the angels be with you on this trip!

  4. Wow. I have no clue what to say...but, I think you get the feeling. :)

  5. I'm soooo excited and nervous for you! I'm sure you're giddy with it all.

  6. I have tears of happiness for you right now. I know how much you have wanted this for so long. Prayers are with you that this works out and you are her Mom faster than you can thank God. Hugs to you!

  7. Many stars to you and your family. And angels, of course.

  8. Wishing you all the happiness you deserve for your patience. Thoughts and prayers are with you!!

  9. Am praying and your angels will be with you

  10. May the angels bring you what your heart wishes.
