Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Blessed Little Orbs

Oh I am still figuring out what furniture is needed. Working with what I have though, and soooo anxious to have a load of finished beads, this is the configuration I came up with to get the most beads cooked. Shouting out to the clay people-will this work? The back left three are not touching, it is just my shooting angle. I have kiln wash on the floor. The wire is 14g hefty something or other that I just got last week from the ceramic supply. I will run it in the morning unless someone yells STOP!!!! That is a nice pallet isn't it? Very interesting (and exciting) to me that what I see is not what I will get.


  1. wait. i didn't know you were making beads. i am so excited!

  2. I love these! I am so excited to see how they come out

  3. I am not a clay person, but I sure hope that worked out for you!! Post pics if it did!
