Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I heard from a social worker today and she told me that Anna's foster parents are awesome people. I can't tell you the weight that has been lifted. I know I will still have to get through my daily "moments", but I feel much better knowing this. Mr. Pearl and Pebble and I are getting away for a couple days. This will be good too I think. I've also started putting things away each day. Today it was the bottles. Still can't bring myself to wash her clothes or move any linens out of the crib. Her little head print is still on the flannel burp cloth I made her. But I do feel better at least at the moment. Baby steps right? Have a good night all. Thanks for listening:)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Warning-downer post
She's gone. Long story short, birth parents changed their mind. We had two months with this sweet precious little girl. We named her Anna. We are trying to think positively. Look at this as one of the tasks we have been given in this lifetime. We did a really great job in my opinion. But it still hurts like hell. One of the hardest feelings is knowing that we can't protect her. I won't air anyone's dirty laundry here. Please please please remember her in your thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I'm Still Here!
Well golly I guess a whole month plus some slipped right by. I do have a most excellent excuse though....
Meet my little tough girl. She quacks like a baby duck and makes the sweetest sound when she smacks her lips. She has the most intoxicating scent. She could give Maggie Simpson a run for the money with the binkey action. She looks like an angel. She loves to cuddle. And I am in love! Don't ya just dig the outfit? Vintage Lucys on Etsy. A lot going on these days.... Mr. Pearl and Pebble had an appendectomy. My Brother in Law has leukemia. My S.I.L. has got to be a wreck. So prayers would be most welcome. And thank you in advance. I did make up a necklace for her during nap time. Kelley makes really wonderful glass worry stones for just such occasions. They are significant in size and weight and can be carried around in a pocket if preferred. I particularly love the colors in this one and paired it with a lavender leather cord.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Meet Kate
Main Ingredients: Wool, Glass, Stone. Marinate then string with a bit of pearl and a dash of metal.
I used a green gold wool with a bit of brown, black, and natural shades to make the felted beads. The colors made me think of a pretty bead that Kelley had sent me as a thank you gift with a previous order. Sure enough, the colors went really well. I was lovin it, so I asked her to make me some more. Which she did:)
This was my very first submission to Stringing Magazine and I am just thrilled!!! I almost didn't make the deadline. In fact at the last minute I had given up. I had been determined for months to create something and send it in. And as usual, I was down to the wire. Like right there. With an attitude of defeat I posted a picture of my intended offering. Well let me tell you, Barbara Lewis said um um -mail her overnight! And so I did. And don't you know I am so happy I did. My next submission didn't make it in, but that won't stop me from future attempts. I love love love doing this!!! If you haven't ever sent your creation(s) in before, you really should go for it. Seriously. Why not? What have you got to loose? Click here to go to Sringing's webpage to get the skinny on deadlines for 2011. Click on the links to the right to visit other designer's blogs and read all about their fabulous creations! Make sure you leave comments, because there are some really nice giveaways going on too.

Monday, August 16, 2010
This And That

The family is on their way back to Florida. I think I am a terrible daughter/hostess. I think I totally stress when my house/space is crowded. And the heat just doesn't help. It may have caused the "episode", I don't know. I had to pull over on my way to work the other day because my heart was beating funny, I couldn't catch my breath and I was quite light headed. Mr. Pearl and Pebble came and got me and we spent the afternoon in the hospital. EKG was normal, blood was normal. ???? So I don't know. What I do know is that I do NOT like IVs. I have those cute little rolling veins and it takes forEVer to find a keeper. Ouch. The other thing I know is that it is very hard to provide a urine sample when you have a tube stuck in the bendy part of your arm and monitor wires hanging from your chest and the gown you are wearing is open in the back. It probably didn't hurt to check out the heart. Ladies, heart disease is a HUGE killer of women. And our symptoms are different from men's from what I understand. Which is why problems probably go undetected longer.
We took a little camping trip over the weekend. The campground was soooooo crowded. Still it was nice to be in our little camper with yellow dog. It even has A/C and a pottie!!!!! WHOO HOOO! We got home yesterday and planned the next trip. I am really really really looking forward to that one! The colors will be peaking (hopefully) in Michigan's upper peninsula-which is a lovely place to be no matter when if you ever get the opportunity.
Tomorrow I will be posting about my necklace that is featured in the current issue of Stringing. I know! I am so thrilled!!! Have a great day everyone:)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Little Treasures

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Treasure Alert

Look what Sue sent me! I KNOW!!!! Last week she had a fun little guessing game posted on her blog. She put little snippets up of a lovely visit she had in the Cayman Islands and had her readers guess where they were from. I love little challenges like that! And I really love the prizes!! Beautiful lampwork beads in those fabulous island colors! I love the white sugar beads, don't they look just like a pina colada slushie? Yum. And the enameled beads! The mauvy tubes look just like the subtle pearling inside a sea shell. And the bead caps are such an awesome size. But look at this little lampworked button bead! How fun is this sweet baby?!?! Thank you Sue. I am going to have lots and lots of fun! You can check out her shop Sue Beads here and pick up a few treasures of your own. I highly recommend it. There is always something new and exciting. (I really don't think Sue sleeps.) She does some really wonderful enameled head pins too:)
Monday, July 26, 2010
Playtime For The Technically Challenged
Having just the hardest time trying to get an intact treasury image! This is because I am still quite computer illiterate. I know you have tried to help me in the past with this, and I thank you kindly. I'll get there. Anyhow this here is more or less a test. It's my lone treasury at the moment; full of wonderful things that I found quite lovely. As you might tell I am sort of stuck in a neutral color zone, but an elegant one nonetheless. I think I linked it just fine if you want to see things much bigger. I just can't stand how much I heart that mid-century rooster coffee pot! And the print of the lady with the bathing cap?!?! OMG grandma had the best bathing caps. All kinds of rubbery floppery hanging. She had a leopard print bathing suit. The kind with the built in bullet bra. Sexy grandma. She looked just like Doris Day.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Calder Necklace

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Luanne The Wooded Owl

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Melinda At Last

Monday, July 12, 2010
Our Little Crop

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010
Giveaway Alert

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Giveaway Winner Alert

Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy Happy Happy
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Congratulations Marieke!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sweet And Sour

Saturday, June 26, 2010
A Bit Of Tea Perhaps?

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